Amidst the Coronavirus lockdown in India, it has adversely affected Lakhs of daily wage earners, servants, construction workers, daily labourers, Rickshaw-pullers, and so on, who have no means of income to feed their families for the next few weeks.
It is important that in times like this we show solidarity and come forward to help the ones in need. WWY India is on a mission to make Indians more aware of and ready to fight the pandemic. We have started this campaign to raise funds for the same.
The money raised will be used to:
● We are trying to help the families of these daily wage earners by supplying them with a GROCERY KIT that can sustain their families for the upcoming 2 weeks, or even more than that.
● A grocery kit will contain sufficient quantities of 5 kg wheat/rice, oil, sugar, tea, 2 kg lentils, soaps, and a coronavirus awareness pamphlet. The cost of feeding and sustaining a whole family for 2 weeks is only 700 rupees.
● Give free masks and sanitizers to help prevent the spread of the virus.
Your support makes a difference DONATE NOW!
(Please fill in your personal information and proceed)
[paytmcheckout]Bank Transfer Details:
Account Number: 201003728254
IFSSC Code: INDB0000193
Bank Address: Vidya Market Complex, Lepo Road, Hazaribagh – 825301, Jharkhand