The problem:
Jharkhand ranked 2nd most poor state in India. Despite, it is best known for its rich mineral resources.
Some major concerns:
1. Poverty: Poverty is widespread in Jharkhand, as 39.1% of the total population and 51.6% rural & tribal people live below the poverty line (BPL) and they struggle for their everyday needs.
2. Education: The literacy rate in Jharkhand is merely 66.4% ( Male: 76.8 %, Female: 52.0 %).
3. Reduced Agricultural Output: 78% of the total population live in rural areas, largely dependent only on agriculture and allied activities. But it is not considered as profitable due to reduced agricultural output and low price of the produce.
4. Environment: Unscientific mining has caused widespread environmental degradation, and Pollution is growing day by day.
5. Water & Sanitation: More than 70% of habitations do not have safe drinking water as the source contains Fluoride, Arsenic & Iron. Only around 2% of the rural households have closed drainage facility.